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Art & Culture

Gallery “+359”

Gallery + 359, established in 2017, is a beacon of contemporary art situated within the preserved water tower nestled in Sofia's Lozenets district. This tower, an architectural marvel crafted by German engineer Franz Salbach in 1903 and...

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Metropolitan Puppet Theater

Founded in 1946 by Mara Penkova, the Metropolitan Puppet Theater emerged as a trailblazer in Bulgaria's theatrical landscape. Initiated with meager personal funds, this pioneering theater quickly captured public attention. Within a mere...

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Theater “Atelier 313”

Established in 1989 by actor Rashko Mladenov, Theater "Atelier 313" emerged as a dynamic artistic experiment, fusing musical and performing arts. Initially conceived as a studio formation, it aimed to explore the interplay of dance,...

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Cervantes Institute

The Cervantes Institute in Sofia serves as a vibrant cultural hub nestled in the heart of the city, surrounded by squares and urban gardens, offering an immersive experience into Spanish and Spanish American culture. Situated amidst...

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Arthur Gallery

Gallery "Arthur" emerged on November 20, 2009, in Sofia, specifically on "Journalist" Square at No. 36 Tsanko Tserkovski Street. This artistic space unfolded within the confines of a meticulously restored old house and was conceived as an...

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Vida Gallery

"Vida" Gallery offers a diverse showcase of art encompassing painting, sculpture, and graphics, embracing a wide spectrum of styles and expressive forms. It provides a platform for both traditional classical art and contemporary artists...

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Graffiti of Stefka Kostadinova

I can't verify the specific location of Stefka Kostadinova's graffiti under the "Bridge of Lovers" next to the National Palace of Culture. However, I can confirm that Stefka Kostadinova, a celebrated Bulgarian high jumper, is depicted in...

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Open Art Scene of Shipka

The Open Art Scene of Shipka stands as one of Sofia's most recent cultural hubs, established by Pavel Zhuravlev, Director of RKIC, and Milena Chervenkova, Artistic Director of ART Theater. Situated at 34 Shipka Street, adjacent to the...

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Union of Bulgarian Artists

The SBH exhibition gallery was constructed in 1972, encompassing an area of 1,200 square meters. It stands tall at 24 meters, with the basement accounting for 4 meters and the above-ground portion stretching up to 20 meters, equivalent to...

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