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Arthur Gallery

Art & Culture

Gallery “Arthur” emerged on November 20, 2009, in Sofia, specifically on “Journalist” Square at No. 36 Tsanko Tserkovski Street. This artistic space unfolded within the confines of a meticulously restored old house and was conceived as an extension of the activities of BIAS-M / Bureau for Engineering and Architectural Structures – Manev / into the realm of art.

“Arthur” was established with a clear vision of showcasing contemporary Bulgarian art. Its purpose encompassed not only established artists with a significant presence in the country’s cultural landscape but also young talents seeking a platform to showcase and cultivate their artistic expressions. Beyond merely a gallery, there was a grander aspiration to transform it into a small-scale art center—a nurturing and enduring space for various artistic endeavors. Literary readings, chamber music performances, acting projects, and more were envisioned to complement the gallery’s primary focus on art exhibitions.

The gallery prides itself on curating exhibitions that feature artists from diverse generations and various spheres within the realm of fine and applied arts. It endeavors to be a hub where both established and emerging artists converge, united by a shared goal of presenting and promoting valuable contemporary art. This concerted effort serves as a cornerstone of the gallery’s mission, emphasizing the importance of art in the cultural fabric and artistic landscape of Bulgaria.

Work time:
Monday – Friday
14:30 – 18:30


Sofia, Journalist Square, 36 Tsanko Tserkovski St

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