Filipovtsi residential complex, nestled within the Lyulin district, stands as a neighborhood of the city of Sofia, Bulgaria, approximately 7.9 kilometers west of the city center. This residential area finds its location between the Ring...
Fakulteta, also referred to as Fakulteto in the local Shop idiom, stands as a distinctive neighborhood in Sofia, situated within the Krasna Polyana district. Positioned to the north of the "Barite" district, south of the "Zapaden Park"...
Trnska Mahala
Nestled in the dynamic urban fabric of Sofia, Bulgaria, "Trnska Mahala" emerges as a distinctive neighborhood within the Lyulin district, situated approximately 8.4 kilometers northwest of the city center. This small enclave holds a...
"Triangle-Nadezhda", nestled in the northwestern expanse of Sofia and belonging to the "Nadezhda" district, carries a historical legacy embedded in its name. Originally referred to as "The Triangle," the neighborhood earned this moniker...
Trebich, situated in the northern part of the city of Sofia, is a district with a rich history and distinct characteristics. Bordered by Iliantsi to the south and east, Mirovane to the west, and Novi Iskar to the north, Trebich stands at...
Toleva Mahala
Toleva Mahala, positioned within the Vrabnitsa district in Sofia, Bulgaria, is a distinctive neighborhood located 10.1 kilometers northwest of the city center. Situated northeast of Europa Boulevard, Toleva Mahala is surrounded by areas...
Suhodol, situated in the Ovcha Kupel area of the Capital Municipality in Sofia, has evolved from a former village into a distinct district known for its serene surroundings and notable features. Positioned approximately 8 kilometers west...
Suhata Reka
Suhata Reka, originally named "Suha Reka," stands as a prominent residential area in the city of Sofia, offering a variety of educational institutions, sports facilities, and convenient transportation options. This dynamic neighborhood is...
Studentski Grad
Studentski Grad, situated in the southeast of Sofia, is a vibrant residential complex within the Studentski district, bordering "Dianabad," "Darvenica," "Vitosha," and "Malinova Dolina." Originally designed as "Hristo Botev" Student Town,...
Strelbishte, a residential complex in Sofia and part of the Triaditsa district, is situated in the southern part of the city. It encompasses a dynamic area, bordered by "P. Yu. Todorov" and South Park to the east, "Gotse Delchev" Blvd. to...