The "Debut" gallery holds the distinction of being Bulgaria's inaugural gallery with a unique mission, housed within the premises of the "Ilia Petrov" National High School for Fine Arts. Its primary focus revolves around showcasing the...
Art & Culture
Plasticine Studio
Atelier "Plastelin" serves as a vibrant space and gallery dedicated to showcasing and launching the works of budding young authors. Functioning both as a physical gallery and an organizing entity, it orchestrates artistic events, offering...
Art Land Theater
Theater "Art Land" hosts its engaging performances every Sunday, commencing at 11:00 a.m., at the Grand Hotel Sofia, specifically in the "Sofia" hall. This captivating puppet theater invites attendees to join for a delightful experience...
Testa Gallery
Testa Gallery, established in 1999, embodies a unique vision as a dedicated space showcasing artists specializing in contemporary ceramics and porcelain. Our primary focus lies in presenting works that transcend functionality and delve...
“BOLD” Showroom
BOLD introduces an innovative cultural hub in Sofia, redefining the space for creative expression, design innovation, and cultural exchange. This multifaceted center is dedicated to providing a platform for designers, creators,...
Icarus Gallery
Gallery "Ikar," established in 1999 within Sofia, has stood as a prominent platform hosting a spectrum of esteemed contemporary artists. Notable talents like Tsanko Panov, Georgi Bozhilov (Slona), Svilen Blazhev, Ivan Tsanev, Svetlin...
Municipal Theater “Vazrazhdane”
Established within the premises of the Metropolitan Library at 4 Slaveykov Square since 1994, the Municipal Cultural Institute Theater "Vazrazhdane" holds a chambered hall accommodating up to 100 seats. The theater boasts a dedicated team...
Europe Gallery
Gallery Europe presents a groundbreaking collection, showcasing an exclusive array of over 800 artworks crafted by esteemed masters of contemporary Bulgarian art. This unique assemblage is complemented by a treasury of authentic, antique...
Gallery “ASTRY”
It was founded in 1995. It exhibits leading and young names in contemporary Bulgarian art. Organizes the annual painting exhibition FORMAT 30/30. Work time: Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 19:00 Saturday: 10:00 - 14:00 Website:...
Gallery “Contrast”
"Contrast" Gallery emerged with a distinct mission: to champion contemporary Bulgarian art. It aims to reshape the evaluation system by intertwining artistic and market values while nurturing artists, educating art enthusiasts, and...