100 National Tourist Sites

Devil’s Throat Cave

At the end of the Trigrad gorge on the lower side of the road is an artificially excavated entrance to the Devil's Throat cave. A hundred and fifty meter long tunnel leads to the impressive hall of the cave. At the beginning, only the...

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First Soldiers Monument

The village of Aldomirovtsi is located in a semi-mountainous area, 4 km from the town of Slivnitsa and 28 km from Sofia . The First Soldier's Monument, the work of Eng. Velchev, and the design and construction of Grigor Naydenov also...

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Cherni Vrah – Vitosha

Cherni vrah is the highest point of Vitosha. Its height above sea level is 2290 m, which makes the mountain the fourth highest in Bulgaria after Rila, Pirin and Stara Planina. Vitosha is the only domed mountain in our country. Its dome...

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