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Yalta Club Art Room

Art & Culture

The Yalta Club embraces artists through its Open Art Room project, offering a platform that welcomes artists from diverse artistic realms. This initiative, the Yalta Club Art Room, serves as a stage for both emerging and established artists, providing them with an avenue to showcase their projects that might otherwise lack a suitable venue for presentation.

Standing as a contrasting space to the prevailing kitsch, the Art Room responds to a yearning for more diverse cultural experiences. It becomes a haven for independent theater productions, literary readings, exhibitions, concerts, dance performances, and discussions. By fostering a dynamic environment that celebrates artistic diversity, the Yalta Club Art Room strives to meet the hunger for varied and unconventional events, offering a space where artists can freely express and share their creative endeavors with an appreciative audience.

Work time:
Monday – Sunday: 18:00 – 23:00

Sofia, 20 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd

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