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Gallery “Structure”

Art & Culture

Structure Gallery serves as a dynamic space, curating exhibitions and events that showcase the richness of contemporary art. Our commitment extends to supporting and nurturing the art scene, both locally and on the global stage.

We actively engage in discovering emerging artistic voices, identifying burgeoning movements, and assessing the evolution and growth of artists within the contemporary landscape. Our aim is not just to display art but to contribute to the discourse surrounding it, fostering an environment where creativity thrives and new perspectives emerge.

At Structure Gallery, we offer professional consultations to aid art enthusiasts and collectors in the thoughtful selection of artwork, guiding them through the diverse and vibrant realm of artistic expression. Our goal is to facilitate meaningful connections between art appreciators and the captivating narratives woven by artists.

Work time:
12:00 – 19:00
12:00 – 19:00
12:00 – 19:00
12:00 – 19:00
12:00 – 19:00


Sofia, 9 “Kuzman Shapkarev” St

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