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The house of arch. Fingov


The house of architect Fingov stands proudly at the junction of “Shipka” and “Vasil Aprilov” streets in Sofia, an architectural gem renowned for its beauty and elegance. Its façade is imbued with a sense of mystery, particularly through the enigmatic portal column featuring a strikingly sculpted female face, crafted by the skilled sculptor Andrey Nikolov. This exceptional creation was conceived, built, and initially owned by the talented architect Georgi Fingov (1874-1944), credited as a pioneer of the Secession movement in Bulgaria.

Architect Fingov’s acclaim extended far beyond this landmark. He was celebrated for his contributions, having designed a myriad of public, educational, and residential structures, notably in Sofia and Plovdiv. His portfolio encompasses eight villas in Borovets and the environs of Sofia, twelve commercial buildings, eight hotels, and eighty residential complexes.

Reflecting on this house in his diary, Fingov expressed, “In this house, I poured forth all my artistic prowess… I labored with the passion of youthful imagination, aspiring to showcase the possibilities of that era, with the aim of creating a humble yet welcoming and comfortable abode.”

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