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Administrative building – Official Insurance Company


The building, acclaimed for its representation of the Secession style, stands as a notable architectural and construction achievement. Architect Fingov crafted the design of this structure between 1910 and 1913, showcasing the hallmark elements of the Secession movement.

Following the historical shift on September 9, 1944, the building underwent nationalization. By 1951, it became the premises for the newly established State Savings Bank. Its significance in architectural heritage was further recognized in 1976 when it was officially designated as an architectural and artistic monument. This recognition stemmed from its “extremely rich plastic decoration of the exterior and interiors,” a tribute to the intricate and elaborate design elements adorning both the exterior facades and interior spaces of the building. This distinction marked the edifice as a testament to the artistic craftsmanship and architectural grandeur characteristic of the Secession movement during that era.

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