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Moderno Predgradie


A Moderno Predgradie is a neighborhood in Sofia. It is included in the Vrabnitsa district of the Metropolitan Municipality.

To the south, the neighborhood borders the 8th, 9th and 10th micro-districts of the municipal district. Lyulin, as the border between the two districts is “Slivnitsa” Blvd. – one of the largest road arteries, providing quick access to the city center. To the west it extends to Pancho Vladigerov Blvd. To the north, it borders the “Copper Factory” cemetery park, g.k. Vrabnitsa 1, g.k. Nadezhda 3 and g.k. Nadezhda 1, and to the east – with railway station. Sugar factory.

The development of the neighborhood began in 1914, and in 1934 its territory was expanded.[1] The population of the neighborhood lives mostly in houses. There are also panel blocks (of the Bs-69-Sf-UD-83 series) – they are 9 in number, 8-9 stories high. They were built in the early and mid-1990s. They are mostly inhabited by young families with children. There are well-stocked shops, cafes, pizzeria, lotto, post office, two pharmacies and two beauty salons. Branches of the HIT and “Praktiker” retail chains are also located at the northwest end of the neighborhood.

The neighborhood is home to the National High School for Ancient Languages and Cultures – at 16 “Baba” Street, 198 “Kose Bose” Building (4 “Voivodovo” Street), community center “St. St. Cyril and Methodius”, as well as the temple “St. Mina”. There is convenient transportation: bus lines 108 (to Nadezhda quarter and Ilientsi stock market), as well as buses 82 and 309 traveling to Stochna Gara. At the intersection of “Slivnitsa” Blvd. and “Pancho Vladigerov” Blvd./Str. “Obelsko shose” (next to the southwestern part of the neighborhood) is located metro station “Slivnitsa”, through which the residents of the neighborhood can reach many other neighborhoods and the Center.

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