"Stefan Karadzha", a historic enclave within Sofia, now seamlessly integrated into the residential expanse of "Hadji Dimitar," pays homage to the Bulgarian revolutionary Stefan Karadzha. The district, primarily adorned with panel blocks...
"Slatina" unfolds as a historical village and erstwhile neighborhood that once graced the outskirts of Sofia, Bulgaria, situated a mere 4.8 kilometers southeast of the contemporary city center. This erstwhile village has left its...
Bunkera, situated within the Pancharevo and Vitosha districts of the Capital Municipality, is an intriguing cottage area that spans across the lands of the Simeonovo quarter and the villages of Bistrica and Pancharevo. Nestled at the...
Yapaja, positioned in the Kremikovtsi district of Sofia, Bulgaria, stands as a distinct locality and a modest neighborhood, situated 8.9 kilometers east of the city center. This area, characterized by its strategic location, finds itself...
"Yavorov", positioned as the inaugural residential complex in Sofia, holds a prominent status within the city's urban landscape. Nestled in the heart of the "Sredets" area, in close proximity to the city center, this complex has played a...
South Park (neighbourhood)
"South Park" stands out as a distinct residential group in the southern reaches of Sofia, officially recognized as such since 2009, and is integral to the "Triaditsa" district. Occupying a modest section of the expansive South Park, from...
Cherno Konche
Cherno Konche, situated in the Kremikovtsi district, emerges as a distinctive locality and a small neighborhood within the city of Sofia, Bulgaria, approximately 10.2 kilometers east of the city center. Positioned to the north of...
Chernia Kos Villa Zone
Chernia Kos Villa Zone stands as a distinctive neighborhood within the city of Sofia, Bulgaria, nestled in the Vitosha district approximately 10.7 kilometers southwest of the city center. Positioned to the northwest of the Sofia-Pernik...
Chepinsko shose
"Chepinsko shose" stands as one of the neighborhoods adorning the northeastern landscape of Sofia, named after the road that shares its appellation, leading to the village of Chepintsi. Despite its geographical modesty, "Chepinsko Shose"...
"Chelopechene" stands as a distinctive district of Sofia, nestled within the "Kremikovtsi" region, situated approximately 12 km northeast of the city center, beyond the confines of the ring road. Legend and history intertwine to provide...