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The Museum of Mineralogy, Petrology and Minerals


The Museum of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Minerals stands as Bulgaria’s oldest museum, tracing its origins to an esteemed legacy. Housed within the Sofia University building since 1953, this institution has been a cornerstone in showcasing the Earth’s geological wonders.

Spanning an area of 800 square meters, the museum hosts an impressive collection of approximately 16,200 samples across seven distinct expositions. These exhibitions cover a wide spectrum of topics, including “Systematics,” “Petrography,” “Minerals,” “Crystallography,” “Regional Mineralogy,” “Genetic Mineralogy – Individuals and Aggregates,” and “Memorial Collections.”

This institution serves as more than just a repository of geological specimens. It generously opens its exhibition space to visiting showcases that revolve around Earth sciences, supports the university’s educational endeavors, engages collectors and enthusiasts passionate about the mineral world, and offers opportunities for student internships and expeditions.

Work time:
Monday – Friday:
08:30 – 18:00

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