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House-Museum of “Georgi Kirkov”


Georgi Kirkov (1867-1919), known as “the Master,” was a multifaceted Bulgarian figure, encompassing roles as a publicist, parliamentarian, politician, socialist, and trade union activist. Recognized as a charismatic political orator, he pursued his education in Russia and Vienna.

Actively engaged in Bulgarian socialist journalism, Kirkov served as the editor of “Rabotnicheski Vestnik.” In response to the editorial team and readers’ encouragement, he compiled a collection of his works into the book “Dremigradski Smesheila” in 1900, under the pseudonym Master Gocho Zulyama, giving rise to his moniker “the Master.”

As a deputy in the National Assembly, Kirkov fervently advocated for the interests of the working class and the overall progress and modernization of Bulgaria. Beyond national borders, he gained respect as a representative in international socialist forums.

In recognition of his contributions, Kirkov’s house was designated a cultural monument in 1955, solidifying his lasting impact on Bulgarian history and culture.

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