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National Literary Museum


The National Literary Museum, established in 1976 by Order of the Council of Ministers, holds national importance as a state cultural and scientific institute under the Ministry of Culture. Its primary mission is to search for, collect, study, and popularize material and documentary evidence related to the history of Bulgarian literature from the foundation of the Bulgarian state to the present day.

The museum’s comprehensive structure encompasses the house museums of prominent Bulgarian literary figures, including Ivan Vazov, Petko and Pencho Slaveykovi, Peyo Yavorov, Hristo Smirnenski, Elin Pelin, Nikola Vaptsarov, Dimitar Dimov, and Emilian Stanev. It also houses the literary offices of Stiliyan Chilingirov, Ivan Bogdanov, and Vladimir Bashev. Additionally, the specialized department “Funds and Literary Heritage” safeguards the archives of Bulgarian writers and poets without their own dedicated museums.

Over the years, the National Literary Museum has amassed impressive collections, including manuscripts, photographs, documents, correspondence, old printed books, bibliographic rarities, literary periodicals, writers’ libraries, personal belongings, paintings, sculptures, ethnographic materials, and urban life artifacts. The museum actively engages in collecting and scientific research activities, organizing and participating in scientific sessions and conferences, and publishing literary criticism and historical studies.

Beyond its role as a guardian of Bulgaria’s literary heritage, the National Literary Museum actively participates in the contemporary literary scene. The museum organizes literary events, including recitals by contemporary authors, book premieres, celebrations of writers’ anniversaries, and thematic exhibitions. Through its dynamic cultural program, the National Literary Museum bridges the gap between literary past and present.

Talk: BGN 10.00
Pupils, students and pensioners: BGN 3.00.
House museums: BGN 5.00.

Admission is free for visitors with special needs. Every last Thursday of the month, visits to the museum are free.

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