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House of culture – Sredets

Art & Culture

The “Sredets” House of Culture, established in 1974 as the Urban Youth Home, stands as a beacon of Bulgarian culture, carrying forward the nation’s finest artistic traditions. Renowned for its diverse and vibrant activities, this institution has been recognized with esteemed awards like the “Golden Book” and “Golden Seal” from the Council of the European Scientific and Cultural Community for its significant contributions to Bulgarian cultural development.

Within its numerous halls, the House of Culture buzzes with rehearsals of musical ensembles, ballet classes encompassing classical and contemporary styles, theatrical workshops, folk and competitive dance sessions, and various interest clubs. It serves as a hub for a wide array of events, including informative and educational gatherings, exhibitions, concerts, performances, competitions, festivals, and more.

This place is more than just a cultural center; it’s a nurturing ground where experienced and highly skilled professionals impart their knowledge and passion not only to children and youth but to all those pursuing their dreams. Many esteemed artists and individuals of note, both teachers and alumni, have found their creative paths intertwined with this institution, fostering new ideas and contemporary projects.

The legacy of the “Sredets” House of Culture extends far and wide, with hundreds of graduates from its various programs excelling as professional artists and creative contributors, leaving a mark not only in Bulgaria but across the globe.

Sofia, 2A “Krakra” St

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