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FACE Gallery

Art & Culture

“LIK” Gallery is a space that aims to present contemporary Bulgarian art, and in the future also world art, with which it will strive to provoke the intellectual curiosity of the public and stimulate the critical thinking of the Bulgarian artistic community.

With its activity, the gallery expresses its desire to give the young generation the opportunity to participate in cultural life by providing its space for the realization and presentation of various creative projects.

One of the tasks that the LIK gallery sets itself is to search for and show the synthesis of architecture with other forms of plastic and applied arts. Also, through its exhibitions, the gallery seeks to explore the continuity between different generations of artists by presenting them in joint exhibitions.

The program of the “LIK” gallery includes the idea of working with foreign galleries and authors, as well as the organization of book premieres, lectures, meetings and discussions on topics from contemporary art, culture and architecture, the presentation of multimedia projects and alternative forms of contemporary visual arts.

The main goal of the gallery is the promotion of contemporary art and the cultivation of the public’s aesthetic taste.

The gallery opened its doors on May 17, 2004. Since then, it has presented both established authors and new and talented young artists who will have a future in the development of Bulgarian art and culture.

Work time:
Monday – Saturday:
11:00 – 19:00


Sofia, 37 “Laios Koshut” St

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