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Amadeus Academy of Arts

Art & Culture

The Academy of Arts “Amadeus” stands as a unique educational institution, boasting an international team and an inclusive curriculum catering to individuals of all ages.

Our primary goal is to identify and nurture each person’s inherent talent by providing comprehensive training in various artistic domains, including Film, Theatre, Music, Musical Theater, Dance, and specialized subjects encompassing visual programming, video games, photography, creative writing, comics, and more.

Collaborating with esteemed professionals, both locally and internationally, the Academy utilizes specially curated programs from institutions like the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (LIPA University) in Great Britain, Broadway League, National Association of Teachers of Singing, among others. Our approach aims not only to cultivate artistic, musical, and creative aptitude but also instill values of ethics and discipline. These attributes are crucial not just for the aspiring artists of tomorrow but also for molding future leaders in the ever-evolving landscape of the 21st century.

Sofia, g.k. Dry River, 208

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