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The building of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


The Bulgarian Literary Society, originating in 1869 in Braila, Romania, marked the starting point for the esteemed Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS). Led by its inaugural chairman, Prof. Marin Drinov, the society evolved and expanded, ultimately transforming into the BAS we recognize today. The society underwent a significant name change in 1911 to assume its modern identity as the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

In 1929, a milestone was reached with the inauguration of the new BAS building, an architectural gem crafted by the skilled hands of architects Ovcharov and Yordanov. Initially designated for use by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this building boasted an enviable urban position, anchoring the northern edge of the People’s Assembly Square. Despite enduring substantial damage from bombings in 1944, the building has persevered and remains in active use.

At the building’s main entrance, a sculptural ensemble conceived by the talented artist Shivarov proudly adorns the facade, symbolizing the realms of sciences and arts—a testament to Bulgaria’s intellectual and cultural heritage.

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