The name “Crossroads of Civilizations” fully suits this city. Important road arteries pass through it, connecting the East with the West, the Black Sea with the Adriatic and the Mediterranean with the Baltic. The picturesque Plovdiv, older than such famous centers as Carthage, Constantinople, Athens and Rome, is a symbiosis of disparate influences, but with its own cultural identity.
The best proof is the architectural-historical reserve “Old Plovdiv”, located on the trihillum of the ancient Tri-montium. It is often called an open-air museum, but at the same time it is also a place where life pulsates – a wonderful symbiosis woven from archaeological museums and galleries, ancient buildings and religious temples with rich decorations, small courtyards and cobbled streets full of people – a cozy and at the same time cosmopolitan.
Here you can trace the overall development of residential architecture during the Renaissance – distinctive houses, which became the reason that in 1979 “Old Plovdiv” was awarded a gold European medal for its contribution to the preservation of significant monuments of the past. It is difficult to tell the most important for a city like Plovdiv, but some things should not be missed under any circumstances.
First of all, it is the History Museum, whose four departments are located in three remarkable buildings. Exposition “Bulgarian Revival” is housed in a house that belonged to the rich merchant and abbot Dimitar Georgiadi. Here you can see documents, belongings and valuables of important persons who contributed to our ecclesiastical and national independence. The building of the former Regional Assembly housed the rich collections of the “Union of the Principality of Bulgaria with Eastern Rumelia 1885” department.
In the same place is the “New History” department, in which the emphasis falls on the First Exhibition of 1892 and the economic and cultural rise of the city between the two world wars. In the “Hristo G. Danov” house-museum, in which the “Bulgarian Gutenberg” lived until his death in 1911, is the remarkable exhibition “Book Publishing in Plovdiv and the Plovdiv region during the Renaissance”.
Work time:
Monday – Friday: 8:00 – 17:00
Saturday and Sunday: holidays
Entrance fees:
Adults BGN 4
Students BGN 1
Family ticket (parents with one, two or more children) BGN 5
Grandparent and grandchild ticket (with one, two or more grandchildren) BGN 3
Overview talk BGN 10
Specialized talk / museum tour BGN 20
Talk on foreign language BGN 20
Children up to 7 years old and disadvantaged people Free
Phone: 032/629409
Fax: 032/269955