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“Rayko Aleksiev” Community Center

Public Libraries

The “Rayko Aleksiev – 1947” Community Center is located at Gen. M.D. Skobelev Blvd 58, 1606 Sofia Center, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Phone Number:
You can contact the “Rayko Aleksiev – 1947” Community Center at +359 29708810 or +359 29733769.

About “Rayko Aleksiev – 1947” Community Center:
The “Rayko Aleksiev – 1947” Community Center in Sofia is a prominent cultural and educational institution, deeply rooted in the local community. Established in 1947, the center is named after Rayko Aleksiev, a notable Bulgarian painter, caricaturist, and writer known for his satirical works.

The community center offers a wide range of cultural and educational activities, including music, dance, and art classes, which cater to various age groups. It is particularly known for its vocal group “Priyateli,” which actively participates in cultural events and performances, contributing to the vibrant cultural scene of Sofia.

The center also hosts numerous events such as concerts, exhibitions, and workshops, fostering a lively cultural exchange and providing a platform for local artists and performers. Its library offers a diverse collection of books and resources, supporting the educational needs of the community.

As a hub for cultural and social activities, the “Rayko Aleksiev – 1947” Community Center plays a vital role in enriching the cultural life of Sofia, promoting artistic expression, and encouraging community engagement.

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