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Studentski Grad


Studentski Grad, situated in the southeast of Sofia, is a vibrant residential complex within the Studentski district, bordering “Dianabad,” “Darvenica,” “Vitosha,” and “Malinova Dolina.” Originally designed as “Hristo Botev” Student Town, it was envisioned to meet the housing needs of higher education students in Sofia, with numerous multi-storey dormitories. Today, it not only accommodates thousands of students but also hosts six prestigious higher education institutions, four of which are nationally recognized.

In recent years, Studentski Grad has undergone significant development, experiencing a construction boom with the emergence of new residential, commercial, sports, and business centers. While facing challenges such as stray dogs and limited parking spaces, particularly around numerous drinking establishments, the neighborhood has become increasingly attractive to young families, especially in its southern part near the Winter Palace, National Sports Academy, and family dormitories.

Studentski Grad offers favorable conditions for sports, walking, entertainment, and boasts two multifunctional halls—Hristo Botev and Winter Palace of Sports—that host various events throughout the year. The Zoological Garden of Sofia is also in proximity, and the quarter benefits from being in one of the areas of the capital with the cleanest air.

Despite the increased residential construction, efforts are needed to preserve the Student City area’s status and enhance its prestige as a university center. Plans include the formation of several campuses, bookstores, cinemas, educational and experimental laboratories, and the development of a large park in the “Vertopo” area. Connectivity with the nearby “Simeonovo” district and the Simeon lift is also planned, providing new opportunities for recreation, sports, and a direct link to the Nature Park Vitosha.

The neighborhood houses various universities, contributing to its academic atmosphere:

1. University of National and World Economy – UNSS
2. Technical University of Sofia
3. University of Mining and Geology
4. University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy
5. Forestry University
6. Vasil Levski National Sports Academy

Transportation in Studentski Grad includes buses (No. 94, 102, 280, 294, 413), out-of-town buses (No. 69, 70), and convenient road access through Simeonovsko shose, “Akad” Blvd., “Stefan Mladenov,” and the “Ring Road.”

Recreational and sports opportunities are abundant with locations like Students Park, National Sports Academy Park and Fields, Winter Palace of Sports, Sports hall Hristo Botev, and bicycle lanes.

Studentski Grad also features popular retail outlets, including Fantastico, Kaufland, Billa, Lidl, T-MARKET, Record, and others. Healthcare is addressed by the Student Polyclinic, located in the district center, with two research laboratories and proximity to excellent dental clinics accessible by bus #94.

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