"Patriarch Evtimiy," also referred to as "Popa," stands as a bustling and widely recognized intersection within the heart of Sofia, Bulgaria. This square derives its name from the central statue honoring Patriarch Euthymius, crafted by...
Slaveykov Square
"Petko R. Slaveykov" square stands at the heart of Sofia, nestled between the bustling streets of "Georgi S. Rakovski" and "Graf Ignatiev." In 1879, the esteemed Bulgarian poet Petko R. Slaveikov relocated with his family to Sofia,...
Revival Square
"Vazrazhdane" Square is a prominent square situated at a major intersection in the center of Sofia. It serves as a crossroads for two main arteries of the city, namely "Hristo Botev" Blvd. and "Al. Stamboliyski" Blvd. Recognized as one of...
Journalist Square
The iconic "Journalist" square is situated in the Lozenets district of the capital, Sofia. This square holds historical significance as it was once home to the Journalist Quarter in the early 20th century, from which the square derives...
Prince Alexander I Square
"Knyaz Alexander Batenberg," commonly known as "Batenberg," is a square situated in the central part of Sofia, Bulgaria's capital. Its name honors Alexander I of Battenberg. The square features the former royal palace, now housing the...
Bansky Square
Banski Square, situated in the heart of the capital, stands as one of the oldest squares in the city. This historic square is home to significant cultural landmarks, including the "Banya Bashi" mosque, the Central Mineral Bath, and the...
Independence Square
Independence Square, colloquially known as Largoto, is situated in the heart of Sofia, measuring approximately 200 meters in length and 50 meters in width. The square plays a prominent role in hosting official protocol ceremonies and...
Sveta Nedelya “square”
Sveta Nedelya Square holds a central position in Sofia, featuring prominent landmarks such as the "Holy Sunday" Cathedral, the Faculty of Theology building, and the Sofia Metropolis building. Initially named "Korucheshme," the square was...
Macedonia Square
Macedonia Square serves as a pivotal intersection in the heart of Sofia, Bulgaria. In the era preceding Bulgaria's liberation from Ottoman rule, this site was traversed by a ditch. Notably, the passage within it was known as Halka Porta...