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Sculptural monument of the Proshek Brothers


The monument dedicated to the Proshek brothers, positioned across from the present-day BNT building in Sofia, commemorates their significant contributions to the city. Renowned for their brewery and instrumental in the creation of iconic landmarks like the Eagle Bridge and Lion Bridge, the Proshek brothers left a lasting mark on Sofia’s landscape.

The monument itself is a striking tribute, designed in a Viennese-style with a round table encircled by five chairs. Two of these chairs hold sculptures representing the Proshek brothers, each depicted with a pint of beer, while the other three chairs are open for anyone who wishes to join their symbolic company. A panel behind the figures details the remarkable deeds and enduring impact the brothers had on Bulgarian society.

This monument, crafted by the talented sculptor Georgi Chapkanov, was unveiled on November 14, 2017, at 22 “San Stefano” Street, Sofia, serving as a tangible homage to the brothers’ enduring legacy within the city.

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