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Vitosha Street (Vitoshka)

Art & Culture

Boulevard “Vitosha,” affectionately known as “Vitoshka,” stands as the epitome of fashion in Sofia, Bulgaria. This central boulevard seamlessly blends into the urban landscape, offering a cosmopolitan ambiance reminiscent of European capitals. As one walks along “Vitoshka,” the array of boutiques and shops lining its path provides a shopping experience comparable to the fashion hubs of Paris, Rome, or London, bringing a touch of international flair to Sofia.

This iconic boulevard is a key artery in the heart of Sofia, commencing its journey from “Sveta Nedelya” square and traversing the city center. It intersects with “Patriarch Evtimiy” Blvd., meanders along the western side of the National Palace of Culture park, crosses “Bulgaria” Blvd., passes through the renowned “Ivan Vazov” Square, and culminates at the intersection with “Byala Cherkva” street in South Park.

Renowned for its abundance of shops and boutiques, Vitosha Boulevard has gained global recognition. In a 2005 study by Cashman and Wakefield, it ranked as the 22nd most expensive shopping street in the world. However, in subsequent studies for 2012 and 2013, “Vitosha” Blvd descended to the 59th position.

The segment of the boulevard between “Alabin” Street and “Patriarch Evtimiy” Blvd. transforms into a vibrant pedestrian zone, closed to motor vehicles. The prohibition of vehicular traffic in this section has sparked debates in recent years, prompting discussions on whether “Vitoshka” should remain entirely car-free or potentially allow partial or full access for vehicles. This ongoing discourse reflects the dynamic nature of urban planning and the desire to balance the preservation of a pedestrian-friendly environment with the practical needs of transportation.

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