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About Bulgaria Categories

100 National Tourist Sites

Discover Bulgaria's top cultural, historical, and natural landmarks, from ancient fortresses to natural wonders, through the 100 National Tourist Sites.

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About Bulgaria

Explore Bulgaria's landscapes, history, culture, and traditions. A Southeast European gem blending ancient roots with contemporary achievements.

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State History

Dive into Bulgaria's past from ancient times, through medieval glory, Ottoman rule, to modern democracy.

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Travel to Bulgaria

Explore Bulgaria, a country rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. From the Black Sea's beaches to ancient monasteries in the mountains, and lively Sofia's streets.

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All Posts About Bulgaria

Third Bulgarian State (since 1878)

The inception of the third Bulgarian state dates back to March 3, 1878, following the conclusion of the Russo-Turkish war in San Stefano. Initially, the territory of the new state extended from the Black Sea to Lake Ohrid and from the...

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April Uprising – 1876

The national liberation movement against Ottoman rule in Bulgaria reached a significant milestone with the April Uprising of 1876, a heroic act that ignited the Russo-Turkish War of Liberation (1877-1878). This war ultimately led to the...

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Bulgarian National Revival

The Bulgarian Revival, also known as the Bulgarian Renaissance, marked a significant period in Bulgarian history characterized by a resurgence of national identity, cultural awakening, and aspirations for independence. This revival period...

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Bulgarian uprisings in the 17th century

In the late 17th century, despite the efforts of figures like Petar Parcevich, Bulgaria continued to experience suppression under Ottoman rule. Parcevich's tireless advocacy for Bulgaria's liberation took him on diplomatic missions across...

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Old Great Bulgaria (7th century)

The resettlement of proto-Bulgarian and Slavic tribes during the 6th to 7th centuries was a pivotal period in the shaping of Eastern European history. One significant development during this time was the emergence of Old Great Bulgaria,...

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