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Library of National Statistical Institute

Public Libraries

The Library of the National Statistical Institute (NSI) is located at 2, P. Volov Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria.

Phone Number:
You can contact the library at +359 2 9857 111.

About the Library:
The Library of the National Statistical Institute (NSI) in Sofia is an essential resource for researchers, statisticians, and anyone interested in Bulgarian economic, social, and demographic statistics. Established to support the institute’s mission, the library provides access to a vast collection of statistical data and publications, including historical and contemporary statistical yearbooks.

The NSI library offers a range of services, including access to an online catalog and digital resources, which allow users to explore statistical data on various topics such as population, labor, industry, agriculture, trade, and more. The library’s digital transformation has made many of its resources accessible online, ensuring that users can retrieve valuable statistical information remotely.

The library also plays a crucial role in disseminating statistical information through publications like the Statistical Yearbook of Bulgaria, which includes comprehensive data across different sectors of the economy and society. This makes it an invaluable tool for policymakers, academics, and businesses that rely on accurate statistical data for decision-making.

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