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Avstriyska Biblioteka

Public Libraries

Avstriyska Biblioteka is located at 4, Shipka Street, 1000 Sofia Center, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Phone Number:
You can contact the library at +359 2 843 5361.

About Avstriyska Biblioteka:
Avstriyska Biblioteka (Austrian Library) in Sofia serves as a cultural and educational hub, focusing on Austrian literature, culture, and academic resources. It is part of a network of Austrian libraries around the world, aiming to promote Austrian cultural heritage and facilitate cultural exchange.

The library offers a wide range of resources, including books, periodicals, and digital materials, primarily in German and Bulgarian. These resources cover various subjects such as literature, history, arts, and social sciences. The library also hosts events like book readings, cultural discussions, and exhibitions to engage the local community and foster a deeper understanding of Austrian culture.

The library is situated in a central location, making it easily accessible for visitors. It provides a quiet and conducive environment for reading, research, and cultural activities. The friendly staff are available to assist visitors with their inquiries and help them navigate the library’s collections.

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