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National Museum of Anthropology


The National Anthropological Museum, situated adjacent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building, is a key institution within the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences system, specifically under the auspices of the Institute of Experimental Morphology and Anthropology. This museum, which opened its doors in March 2007, was established following the significant interest generated by the institute’s traveling exhibition “Man in the past.” Prof. Yordan Yordanov, the museum’s director, is renowned for being one of the few scientific anthropologists globally, and uniquely in Bulgaria, capable of facial reconstructions from skulls. The museum features numerous restored visages of individuals from various historical periods who lived in the region.

At the museum’s entrance, visitors are introduced to the meticulous stages involved in facial reconstruction through a detailed display. Additionally, the museum houses a national ossuary, collecting anthropological materials unearthed during archaeological excavations. This valuable resource aids scientists and researchers in studying the inhabitants of Bulgarian lands from ancient times to the present.

The museum’s exhibits are organized chronologically, spanning Prehistory, Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance. Among the highlights are facial reconstructions from human remains, illustrating the evolution and gracilization of human features over millennia. Notably, the museum recreated the face of a priest from grave No. 43 in the Varna Necropolis, associated with the discovery of Europe’s oldest processed gold. Another fascinating reconstruction is that of a Thracian princess from a tomb in the Mogilan Mound in Vratsa.

Visitors can also view the reconstructed images of Bulgarian kings Kaloyan and Samuil, as well as prominent figures like Zahari Stoyanov, Hristo Botev, and Georgi Rakovski, who fought for Bulgaria’s liberation from Ottoman rule. The museum presents various grave reconstructions, including the “hawker” position (embryonic) and the Christian tradition (with arms crossed over the chest), offering a comprehensive insight into burial practices and the physical history of the region’s past inhabitants.

Adults: BGN 6.00
Pupils, students, soldiers: BGN 4.00.
Pensioners: BGN 3.00.
People with special needs: Free

Work time:
May 1 – September 30:
12:00 – 17:00
Tuesday – Sunday:
09:00 – 17:00

October 1 – April 30:
12:00 – 17:00
Tuesday – Saturday:
09:00 – 17:00

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