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Bulgarian Official Holidays

Useful Information

  • 1 January – New Year’s Day
  • 3 March – National Holiday /Bulgaria’s Liberation from the Ottoman Empire/
  • 1 May – Labour and International Worker’s Solidarity Day
  • 6 May – Gergyovden (St. George’s Day), and the Bulgarian Army’s Day
  • 24 May – Bulgarian Education and Culture, and Slavic Script Day
  • 6 September – Unification Day
  • 22 September – Independence Day
  • 1 November – Day of the Bulgarian Enlighteners (Holiday for all educational institutions)
  • 24 December – Christmas Eve
  • 25, 26 December – Christmas Days
  • Easter Holidays– 4 days /Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday and Monday/ according to the Orthodox calendar of the year
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