Home » The City of Sofia » Neighborhoods » Dolni Smerdan

Dolni Smerdan


“Dolni Smerdan” stands as a distinctive locality and a compact neighborhood nestled within the city of Sofia, Bulgaria, situated in the “Krasna Polyana” district to the west of the city center.

Defined by its geographical features, the neighborhood takes the form of a narrow strip along the road that links “Sukhodolska” street to the picturesque Smerdana Lake, named after the locality itself. Its boundaries are naturally defined, with three sides embraced by the lush expanse of the Western Park. To the southwest, it extends to the outskirts of the “Krasna Polyana” district, specifically around the former base of the Construction Troops, contributing to the varied landscape of this southwestern edge. This strategic location ensures a harmonious blend of urban convenience and natural allure for the residents of “Dolni Smerdan.”

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