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“Druzhba” Lake


“Druzhba” Lake, situated in a southwest-northeast direction, is the largest lake in the residential areas of Sofia. The lake’s surroundings have been transformed into a park, creating a recreational space for residents and visitors alike.

Originally formed in the 1970s during excavation work for building materials to expand the housing complex, the lake is divided by a pedestrian bridge into two parts: a smaller northeastern section and a larger southwestern one. The lake’s banks, initially steep and bare, have undergone improvements over the years, contributing to the creation of the “The Lake” park.

The park provides ample opportunities for recreation and entertainment, featuring amenities such as restaurants, a gym, sports equipment, and a playground. The “Iskar” Cultural Center is located near the pedestrian bridge, and a garden leads to the regional market to the northwest. On the western side of the lake, there is a pier, and a nautical club was formerly situated nearby. The area around the lake is adorned with the churches “St. Reverend Naum Ohridski” and “St. Introduction of the Virgin.”

Accessible by mass public transport, “Druzhba” Lake and its park have become a popular destination for locals seeking outdoor activities and relaxation.

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