Home » Bulgaria » 100 National Tourist Sites » Planetarium Djordano Bruno

Planetarium Djordano Bruno

100 National Tourist Sites

The Astronomical Observatory at the Giordano Bruno Scientific Research Center has an observation pavilion with a retractable roof, where two telescopes are placed. One of them serves for daily observations of the Sun on a screen. The telescope is a 150/2250 “Meniscas” – Cassegrain-type meniscus-mirror telescope. Sometimes, if needed, photographs of the Sun are taken.

The second telescope is also a 150/2250 “Meniscas” and is used for night observations and photography of celestial objects. The observatory also has other smaller telescopes, multi-lens cameras and binoculars.

In the observatory there are two classrooms where the classes of the circle students are held. The rooms are equipped with various globes – Baader Planetarium, Helios Planetarium, three star and two lunar globes, armillary sphere, Earth globe, Tellurium apparatus (Sun-Earth-Moon system). The observatory houses a library that has over 3,000 volumes.

Work time:
Every weekday from 09:00 to 17:00.

6404 Dimitrovgrad Park “Nikola Vaptsarov”
tel.: (0391) 66797

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