There are many more sights in Kazanlak, but one of them should not be missed under any circumstances – the literary and artistic museum “Chudomir”. It is in the house of one of the most popular Bulgarian writers, Dimitar Hristov Chorbadzhiyski, whose characters, described with good-natured mockery, they can easily compete with “Cichovtsi” and the notorious Bai Gagno. He also acts as a local historian, museum and community center activist. He died on December 26, 1967. The museum hosts exhibitions, meetings, recitals and screenings. Paintings of Chudomir’s wife, Mara Chorbadzhiyska, can also be seen there.
Work time:
Opening hours:
From Monday to Friday: 09:00 – 17:30 Saturday and Sunday from 09:30 to 17:30 /only from April to September, the rest of the time with prior request/
Entrance fees:
For adults – BGN 4.
For students – BGN 2.
Talk in Bulgarian – BGN 5.
Photo fee – BGN 5.
Talk: in Bulgarian and interactive tour guide in Bulgarian and English.