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Koprivshtitsa – AIR

100 National Tourist Sites

Koprivshtitsa is a city-museum with exceptional cultural and historical monuments. Many prominent Bulgarians were born in it. The city had a primary role in the era of the Bulgarian Renaissance. The cell school has existed here since the 18th century. The most famous of the Koprivshten cell schools was opened in 1810 by Nayden Gerov’s father – Hadji Gero Mushek (the prototype of Hadji Gencho from “Bulgarians of Old Time”). In 1846, Nayden Gerov opened one of the first Bulgarian grade schools. In 1850, a girls’ school was opened. Go through this museum-like but lively city, with excitement and emotion, which is one of the most Bulgarian historical corners.

The hot one the house is an architectural masterpiece – built by Plovdiv masters in 1854 for the rich Jelepin /livestock trader/ Stefan Topalov. Bought later by the wealthy merchant Petko Lyutov. It features an ornate facade and interior. Petko Lyutov’s commercial interests took him all the way to Cairo and Alexandria in Egypt. Painted medallions on the walls show the exotic cities visited by her enterprising owner. On the ground floor, there is a permanent exhibition of original Koprivshten felts – a now forgotten technology in Bulgaria for making non-spun wool carpets.

You shouldn’t miss your native for anything in the world home on Caravels . Stop by the exposition, which preserves evidence of the life of the younger, Petko Karavelov, who remained somewhat in the shadow of his older brother – the outstanding Bulgarian writer, publicist, ethnographer and revolutionary Lyuben Karavelov. In an exposition dedicated to him, located in the former outbuilding of the home, the most significant exhibit of the museum is presented – the printing press on which the Caravel newspapers, the magazine “Znanie”, the Botev newspaper “Zname” were printed, and after the Liberation, already in Tarnovo , and the first Bulgarian Constitution. Here you can also see the books of this beloved writer, author of “Hubava si, moya goro”, the classic novels “Bulgarians of Old Time”, “Mother’s Child”, “Hadji Nicho”, as well as a sculptural reproduction of the head of Lyuben Karavelov, the portraits of his parents and the family tree of the Karavelovs.

After passing by the Mausoleum-ossuary of the people of Koprivshten who died in the April Uprising, climb the hill to the house-museum on Todor Kableshkov , the author of the “Bloody Letter”, to learn the story of the most selfless Koprivshtian patriot. After his studies in Koprivshtitsa and Plovdiv, Kableshkov also graduated from the French Lycée in Constantinople. He speaks three languages and possesses wide knowledge and rich culture, but sacrifices everything for the freedom of the homeland. After the uprising, he retreated with his squad to the Balkans, but was betrayed by a Bulgarian and captured by the Turkish authorities. After cruel torture in the Troyan, Lovesh and Tarnov prisons, Kableshkov was taken to Gabrovsky, where he ended his life alone 25 years old.

One of the most valuable examples of Bulgarian Revival architecture is Oslekova House , today a private ethnographic museum , built during the Crimean War for the rich abbot Nencho Oslekov – an active participant in the uprising and hanged on the gallows in Plovdiv on June 27, 1876. You must also visit the church “Drowsy “Bogorodichno” , built with funds from 460 donors in 1817 on the site of an older church burned down by the Kurdzhalians.

It is impossible to tell and see everything in Koprivshtitsa, but there is one place that you must visit – the house on Dimcho Debelyanov , one of the most tender and talented lyricists in Bulgarian poetry, lost his life at the front in 1916.

Work time:
House Museum “Lyuben Karavelov”, House Museum “Georgi Benkovski” and Museum of Enlightenment:
November 1 – April 1 – 9:00 – 17:00
April 1 – November 1 – 9:30 – 17:30
closed day: Tuesday

Lyutova House Museum, Dimcho Debelyanov House Museum, Todor Kableshkov House Museum, Pallaveevi Houses Gallery and Tepavitsa, оpening hours:
November 1 – April 1 – 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
April 1 – November 1 – 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
day off: Monday

Entrance fees:
Tour ticket for 6 museums: – BGN 15.00
for adults – BGN 6.00
family ticket: /for families with children up to 18 years of age/: BGN 30.00

Ticket for 1 museum: – BGN 5.00
for adults – BGN 2.00

Lecture for all museums: BGN 30.00
Lecture for 1 museum: BGN 7.00

Ticket for the seasonal site “Palavian Houses”: –
BGN 2.00 for adults
BGN 1.00 for pupils and students

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