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Library of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Public Libraries

The Central Library of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (CL-BAS) is located at 1, 15 Noemvri Street, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria.

Phone Number:
You can contact the Central Library at +359 2 987 8966 or +359 2 987 2500.

About Central Library of BAS:
The Central Library of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (CL-BAS) is the oldest scientific library in Bulgaria, established in 1869 alongside the Bulgarian Learned Society. It serves as a national center for literary and documentary heritage, supporting fundamental and applied research. The library’s extensive collection includes over 2,000,000 documents, and it participates in international book exchanges with over 780 scientific institutions from 61 countries.

CL-BAS plays a crucial role in building and organizing Bulgaria’s national library fund, providing access to both Bulgarian and foreign literature and databases. The introduction of the ALEPH500 automated library information system has made it one of the most efficiently functioning libraries in the country, managing a network of 48 specialized libraries within the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

The library also creates digital resources, integrating them into the digital information and educational environment. It remains a pivotal institution for researchers, scholars, and anyone seeking comprehensive scientific literature and resources in Bulgaria.

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