Terms of Use

General conditions of use
The content of the pages is under the protection of the “Act on Copyright and Related Rights” (CPA). The information, materials and texts are provided by About Sofia as a service and users may use them for personal information only.

Terms and conditions of use
Everyone has the right to quote information from the site, bearing the responsibility for its credibility. When citing, it is mandatory to mention the site as a source and its web address, and if the publication is on the Internet, it must be accompanied by a hyperlink to it. Any reproduction, distribution, modification, public display, etc. of part or all of the content of the website, outside of this hypothesis, is prohibited and prosecuted according to the procedure provided by law, unless there is an express consent of “About Sofia” for the respective type of use.

Limitation of liability
Despite all measures taken to ensure objective and accurate information, some of the data is based on external sources, we believe in their accuracy, but we cannot guarantee this to third parties. Therefore, the information presented should not be considered as presented from the position of “last resort”.

About Sofia and its individual employees cannot be held responsible in case of losses or other accidents to persons or organizations acting or refraining from acting as a result of information placed on the site.

The materials and services are provided to the users of About Sofia without express warranties or assignment of rights to the information therein. About Sofia and its individual employees cannot be held responsible for any damages resulting from the use or inability to use materials, even if About Sofia has been advised of the possibility of such damages. “About Sofia” does not guarantee the complete up-to-dateness of the data placed on the site, as well as the completeness of the information, texts and graphics, links and other means contained in the materials. About Sofia reserves the right to make corrections to the materials at any time without prior notice.