Police Offices


Sofia, p. code 1618

g. k. “Krasno Selo”, 5 Buxton Brothers Blvd

Operational duty unit: 02/982 1760; 02/982 1761; 02/856 2914

Clerkship: 02/982 1767

Unit “Bulgarian identity documents”:
Sofia, p. code 1618, g. k. “Krasno Selo”, 5 Buxton Brothers Blvd
phones: 02/982 1774; 02/982 1715
fax: 02/982 1701
Working hours with citizens: from 08.00 to 17.45 every weekday.

KOS Group – tel. 02/9821747

The reception time of the Head of 06 RU SDVR is every first Wednesday of the month from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The reception time of the Deputy Head of 06 RU SDVR is every Thursday from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Reception hours of police inspectors by district and every working day from 4.30 pm to 5.30 pm.

Reception of the Chief and the Deputy Chief may also take place outside of the specified days in the event that particularly important data is presented or extraordinary circumstances require it.
For admission of the Chief and Deputy Chief, advance registration is required, no later than 1 week prior to the day of admission, in the reception of 06 RU – SDVR or by telephone: 02/982 1751 and 02/982 1757, every day from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. and from 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m., providing information about the purpose of the reception and a telephone number for feedback.

Schedule of mobile teams for the month of March 2024 in the village of Malo Buchino and the village of Bistrica

The territory served by 06 RU SDVR covers three administrative metropolitan areas: Krasno selo, Ovcha kupel and Vitosha, as well as the villages: Vladaya, Murchaevo and Malo Buchino.

The population on the territory of 06 RU SDVR is about 226,867 people. Due to the increased construction in recent years, a large part of the residents of the new neighborhoods are not registered as addresses and do not appear in the indicated figure.

Main road E-79 of the republican road network passes through the territory of 06 RU SDVR, which is an exit artery from the city of Sofia to the GCP-Tower on the Greek border, as well as part of the new “Lyulin” highway.

Some of the busiest roads of the city of Sofia pass through the territory of 06 RU SDVR – “Tsar Boris III” Blvd., “Gotse Delchev” Blvd., “Bulgaria” Blvd., Ring Road and others.

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